Alpine XC, more advanced
Cross Country is addictive
The more you do, the better you get. Then the more you realise how much better still you could do
Like golf it teases you, tantalising you with what is possible
We can help you move forward through this frustration
This clinic is for pilots who know they can fly better and want some clear direction to help move forward more quickly
Superior performance is the result of performing well in many different areas. We can’t master every aspect all at once so we need to focus your development on the skills and qualities that will make the most difference to your performance.
We work with each individual pilot to identify those areas of high return, to develop and improve your skills. We discuss and agree strategies and goals to work towards measurably improving those skills.
A typical day consists of morning discussion, afternoon flying and an evening debrief and analysis.
Some of the skills and topics discussed include:
- Equipment and preparation
- Thermalling better
- Energy lines for gliding
- Concise decision making
- Distraction control
- Observation
- Using gaggles
- Duration flying
- Final glide
The cost of the course is divide between the pilots on the course, we have a limit of 3
The course cost is $600 daily with full retrieve and transport, $400 daily if you provide transport and driver
See the calendar or enquire for your personal dates
What do I need to bring
Glider, harness, helmet, vario, gps, radio
A reserve is mandatory
Water, sunscreen, sunnies
How do we set up our GPS
Your GPS should be set to a coordinate system of degrees.degrees (d.ddddd)
If you want to keep an useful tracklog you should be taking tracklog points every second, depending on the storage capacity of your GPS unit
What is involved in the skills development?
An important part of the event is individual and group goal orientated skills development.
We work with each pilot to identify areas of opportunity to develop and improve individual skills. We discuss and agree strategies to work towards measurably improving those skills. We jointly identify achievable goals that over time demonstrate how well those strategies are working.
Some of these opportunities are discussed and developed before the event via an internet based remote skills development process.
All of these opportunities, strategies and goals are documented and become part of a skills improvement package that you take away with you to continue to use and develop your flying.
What radio do we need?
In Australia we use a UHF CB frequency range around 476/7 mhz, the radios need to be CTCSS (tone squelch capable)
Radio frequency will be UHF 12 (476.7mhz), tone squelch 79.7 hz (Jiri radio PRIV2)
How does the retrieve system work?
- All pilots need a clear inflight radio communications system (we can work with you to help you get this properly sorted out), a GPS and a cell phone.
- We all fly from the same site each day, as you fly you routinely radio to the retrieve driver your GPS position based on bearing, height and distance from launch . If they have not heard from you frequently enough they will ask you for updates. We can find you based on this information alone
- A SPOT or Delorme satellite GPS tracking system is mandatory. This unit will transmit your coordinates via satellite (does not need cell phone coverage) to our driver. We can also track you whilst you are flying. We can rent you one if you give us notice
- When you land you use your tracker to send your GPS coordinates to the retrieve driver
- You will need to land or walk to a vehicle accessible road, we will not haul you out of dense bush. Remember a good looking track may have locked gates so be smart and focus on landing beside paved (sealed)roads.
- The retrieve driver has a vehicle based GPS that will accept your coordinates and guide the driver to you, they also have maps of the area

Clinic calendar
If you cannot see a date that suits you or there is a clinic scheduled and you are not sure if you are suitable for it then don’t be shy, contact us to talk it thru
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
To book please check the dates of your event then contact us via the Enquiries page.
Be sure to let us know the dates you are interested in
We will then follow up with you to be sure we have you on the right event
If you have any questions call on +61 (0)417 530972 or skype to brianmwebb
Payments can be made by bank transfer or PayPal
Bank transfer
Bendigo Bank: BSB 633 000
Account name: XCkms
Account number: 122842537
Regret this bears a 2% addition to cover administration costs
Please pay to
Why us
Why clinic with XCkms
- Expert guides with demonstrable experience
- Extensive local knowledge of sites and meteorology
- Tandem instruction where appropriate
- Comfortable 4WD vehicles with GPS, tablet, SMS and SPOT facilities
- Dedicated retrieve drivers
- Briefing facilities including whiteboard, big screen video replay, tracklog projection and WiFi
what can we work on?
Brian, Barb, Phil and Chris,Thanks very much for the course this weekend. Your advice, support and skill has lead to what I hope is a big step in my progression and something that with hindsight, I had underestimated the importance of.I’ve been reviewing my footage, and on the last tow I managed 10 stalls and two spins at the top of the box.I went from sloppy, physically demanding, all over the shop, stalls, to clean entries and exits that involved little or no ‘sorting out’ (aka; twisted reverse spirals).Probably most importantly, I’ve developed a new level of respect for my wing and harness, that I think will make me safer into the future.Forecast tomorrow looks excellent!
The conscious decision to be more or less conservative based on observation and situations.
The ability to launch in a variety of conditions, getting into the air when required.
The ability to locate, track and climb well in thermals both alone and in a large gaggle
Recognising and acting on the need to alter one’s behavior or course of action to achieve different outcomes or goals.
Confidence in your ability to make and execute decisions and in doing so perform well.
Imminent events
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic