PG2 to PG3 development
- Towing to an endorsement standard
- Guided thermalling
- Extensive pre brief and debrief
- EV transport and retriEVe
The clinic costs $695 and runs over two days, this includes a formal tow endorsement
See the calendar or enquire for your personal dates
PG3 requirements (what we can help you to achieve)
- Lay-out / packs up paraglider:
- Nil – light wind (0-5 knots)
- Moderate – strong wind (10-15 knots)
- Pre-flight checks glider, harness and other equipment used and understands the reason for and methodology of the checks.
- Take-off skills and techniques in:
- Light wind (< 5 knots)
- Mod winds (8-15 knots)
- Reverse deployment
- Slight cross wind <30° off slope
- Airspeed control is smooth / accurate and returns to given airspeed without oscillation from:
- min. sink speed
- maximum speed
- Landing approach speed and consistent in:
- in light/nil wind landing on feet
- in mod wind
- Assesses conditions as suitable for flight and selects appropriate launch point conditions for take-off.
- Demonstrates rear riser steering.
- Standard aircraft type circuit and “S” turn landing approach accuracy.
- Demonstrates a thorough understanding of rigging a speed system and the knowledge and ability to safely utilise it.
- Demonstrates the ability to deploy and recover from “Big ears”.
- Coordinated turns (R&L) through 180° and 360° with accurate roll out and stabilise on new course using both flat and moderate bank angles
- Soaring skills and Airtime:
- The pilot must have logged at least THREE soaring flights of at least 15 minutes duration AND 2 HOURS flight time in thermic lift.
- The applicant has logged a minimum 60 flights and a minimum of 15 hours airtime, in a minimum 25 days, at a minimum of 5 flying sites. 2 Hours must be at thermic inland sites.
How much experience do I need to learn to tow
We can teach you to tow as soon as you have your supervised licence
Done correctly towing is a great way to quickly gather flights, launches and landings
We teach students to fly on the tow as well as taking them to the alpine launch sites
What do I need to bring
Glider, harness, helmet, vario, gps, radio
A reserve is mandatory
Water, sunscreen, sunnies
We supply a winch, tow releases, weak links and some backup water
What radio do we need?
In Australia we use a UHF CB frequency range around 476/7 mhz, the radios need to be CTCSS (tone squelch capable)
Radio frequency will be UHF 12 (476.7mhz), tone squelch 79.7 hz (Jiri radio PRIV2)
Clinic calendar
If you cannot see a date that suits you or there is a clinic scheduled and you are not sure if you are suitable for it then don’t be shy, contact us to talk it thru
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
PG2 to PG3 development course
An intensive 2 days to take you towards your PG3
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
PG2 to PG3 development course
An intensive 2 days to take you towards your PG3
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
To book please check the dates of your event then contact us via the Enquiries page.
Be sure to let us know the dates you are interested in
We will then follow up with you to be sure we have you on the right event
If you have any questions call on +61 (0)417 530972 or skype to brianmwebb
Payments can be made by bank transfer or PayPal
Bank transfer
Bendigo Bank: BSB 633 000
Account name: XCkms
Account number: 122842537
Regret this bears a 2% addition to cover administration costs
Please pay to
Why us
Why clinic with XCkms
- Expert guides with demonstrable experience
- Extensive local knowledge of sites and meteorology
- Tandem instruction where appropriate
- Comfortable 4WD vehicles with GPS, tablet, SMS and SPOT facilities
- Dedicated retrieve drivers
- Briefing facilities including whiteboard, big screen video replay, tracklog projection and WiFi
what can we work on?
Good understanding of thermal production and locations, wind layers and flows, convergence and air-masses. Choosing the good option and flying in the right direction
The conscious decision to be more or less conservative based on observation and situations.
The ability to locate, track and climb well in thermals both alone and in a large gaggle
The ability to launch in a variety of conditions, getting into the air when required.
Confidence in your ability to make and execute decisions and in doing so perform well.
Brian, Barb, Phil and Chris,Thanks very much for the course this weekend. Your advice, support and skill has lead to what I hope is a big step in my progression and something that with hindsight, I had underestimated the importance of.I’ve been reviewing my footage, and on the last tow I managed 10 stalls and two spins at the top of the box.I went from sloppy, physically demanding, all over the shop, stalls, to clean entries and exits that involved little or no ‘sorting out’ (aka; twisted reverse spirals).Probably most importantly, I’ve developed a new level of respect for my wing and harness, that I think will make me safer into the future.Forecast tomorrow looks excellent!
Imminent events
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
Alpine tow endorsement
A tow endorsement clinic from Bright
There will be time to get to Mystic for some Alpine flying during the clinic
PG2 to PG3 development course
An intensive 2 days to take you towards your PG3
Alpine tow endorsement
Tow endorsement course, also helps PG2 pilots to gain 10 more flights and another site Pilots will have the opportunity to fly Mystic during the clinic
PG2 to PG3 development course
An intensive 2 days to take you towards your PG3